Little Pookie
The title of this post says it all. We went on a family outing yesterday to the beach. I am kinda obsessed with getting the girls exposed to different stuff and doing stuff as a family. Darcy does not have this same obsession so going to the beach for the day was already on his" this may not go so well" radar.
We were meeting up with my sister, her family and a few others who are renting a cottage and vacationing for the week. We left in the morning so the girls could have their morning nap, so far so good. We arrived in time for lunch and a quick visit with friends who live in the area. Then we sun screened up and headed to the beach..this is where the troubles began.

Munchie & Daddy
Emily was tired and started to rub her eyes with her hands, big mistake as she had sun screen on them and rubbed it into her eye. We did not know it at the time..so continuing on...we got to the beach and proceeded to carry the stuff down....way too much stuff...but of course I had to have it all at the beach just in case we needed it..so a couple trips later we were set-up and started to change the girls into their suit. Emily had been fussing for a bit and we were not sure why. I thought she was tired and just needed a nap, but she was having no part of that. Then the wailing started, she was so upset that she broke out in a red rash all over her face. We finally figured it out that she had something in her eye and started to flush it out. This was not working, so Darcy walked with her to settle her down...nope. We flushed it again and she started to settle down. At this point I was starting to pack up and head back to the car, who wants to be at the beach with crying children?

About the only smile we had from daddy!
Oh, Sophia was crying too, because she might of gotten a grain of sand on one toe and she was within sight of the water. She sooo does not like the water, grass or sand on her feet. I hope this changes by next summer. Emily started to come around and was playing in the sand with her cousins..So I decided to stick it out for a bit.
I am glad I did cause we ended up having a good afternoon, a good supper and a nice bonfire before we headed home. I knew we would be going home in the dark, and the girls will sleep in the truck, so that part was good. One thing I did not think of was the amount gas needed to get us all the way home. This is a big problem because we were driving in the country, where all the small towns lock down by 9pm, except for the local Tim Horton's. When Darcy asked "how far can we drive with the light on" I began to panic....I pictured us at the side of the road, trying to stick it out until 7am when the gas station opened...not a good picture. So for about half the ride home, I was nervous and I was wishing that cars run on coffee..cause they were open.
By the time we got to Listowel the truck was runnin pretty low and to our luck the gas station was open. I almost kissed the pump!

Emily & Lilly playin nice
The day was not a total bust..but there are a few lessons learned....
- Never put sunscreen on the hands of toddlers......trust me I am not doing that again!
- Do not over pack for the beach...talking two trips to get all the stuff to and from the car is tiring!
- Do not take dips to the beach...they are sand magnets
- Pack booze..and drink it before it goes warm
- When things get rough..do not sit in your beach chair, laugh and open a drink..my husband did not appreciate this, nor did he find any of this funny
- Be sure to fill your truck up with gas before the gas stations close
I must say that I am not rushing back to the beach anytime soon....so girls it is you, me and the turtle pool!