Friday, June 29, 2012

Knee high by July

As you can see the corn is much taller than where farmers want the crop to be at this time of the year.....according to the saying: if the corn is knee-high by July, it is going to be a good year.

Check out how high the corn is in the field behind us.  I wonder what this will mean for farmers?!

Cheers to a good year!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lesson Learned!

I despise the words "lessons learned"  it is used so much at my work.  The concept is a good business practice I'm sure, but really??? who pulls out the old lessons learned log and actual changes the way they handle something because the lessons learned log told them so?

Well...I am about to eat my own words on this subject......

I did learn something this weekend about my dear the old adage states..."never trust a dog to watch your sandwich".  Well....I can now add this:  "Never let Emmy watch your sushi"  That little monster can pop those rolls like they are candy. 

I guess this is my lesson learned and I will log this for next time!


Friday, June 15, 2012


We packed the truck up and headed to African Lion safari today. "Rrroaarr - that is what the lion says mommy, I wish I hear a lion at the animal zoo today mommy"   The girls were excited to see all the animals, but I'm not so sure they knew what this all meant.  Up til now they have only seen animals in their books or on TV. 

The whole ride there, we were entertained by all the different sounds the jungle animals can make.  We asked them what animals they were excited to see and the list grew long, but the top four were elephants, giraffes, zebras and monkeys.  Oh no, not monkeys....I do not want those thieves to make off with half my truck.

I have not been to the African Lion Safari in a long time, but my memory was quite clear on the monkey part and so was Dacy's.  He said he remembers when they went as a family and his dad somehow missed the monkey bypass road, only to panic, turn the car around and baahaa through the grassland towards the exit with the park rangers in tow...he could hardly tell the story without laughing his butt off.  Funny the things we remember so vividly when we were younger.

 We let the girls out of their car seats and started our safari.  The girls were silent and fascinated by all the animals.  They recognized all of them but kept asking us if they were safe in the car.  I rolled down my window to get a good pic of the rhinoceros and Sophia freaked out. " mommy roll up your window so he does not get us"  I guess I should adhere to the rules!

The elephant swim was a bit hit with all of us.  Those huge mammals kept us all in awe.  Sophia was happy to see they were taking a bath, cause they were dirty and needed to clean off. 

sprinkle water!
We headed to the splash pad for lunch.  They girls were excited to play in the water, but alas...water bugs they are not.  They enjoyed playing, but the sprinkling water caused more frowns then smiles.  What was a hit were the baby swings.  They love the baby swings cause they can fly high "up to the sky and touch a cloud"  so Emily thinks!

playing in the bouncy balls
"Hi Buddy"
We took in one of the bird shows and the petting zoo.  If you ask the girls what they remember about the bird show they would say - The dead bat (it was not dead, but hanging upside down and Sophia thought it was dead), the green birds singing "O Canada" and the blue bird riding the bike.

It was a great educational trip, just how Darcy likes it.  He is always showing the girls how to do stuff, teach them about life and this trip was right up his alley.  This was also part of Father's Day - getting to do what he likes best, spending time with his family and making it an educational experience!

R - xo