Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Traditions - The Santa picture!

Part of Christmas traditions is the token picture with Santa.  My mom has years of pictures of us sitting on Santa's lap.  Sometimes we are laughing and sometimes we are upset, but looking back at those photos are priceless....the bad hair and of course the bad fashion.  In our later years we were not so cooperative...I felt like a tool sittin' on Santa's lap at 18 years old with my 2 sisters...( I drew the line at that!) So why would I deny my girls the same memories?  The trip to the local mall to get the picture was uneventful and to our surprise there was no line up.  Santa suggested we do a family photo first...get the girls warmed up and sitting close to Santa while were we holding them...so we did. (I was not prepared for a photo of me....as you can see!)  but oh well is it for the girls right?  They both seemed okay so then.......

we did something Sophia thought was not so funny....we dropped them on Santa's lap and ran, well not literally ran, but backed up pretty quick.  Emmy was fine with it...as my niece Shelby said Emmy looks like she is saying "give me a lick of that candy cane" Sophia..well the photo says it all.

In the days/week to follow we asked Sophia if she would like to sit on Santa's lap.  She said " no, no, no want it" waving her arm in front of her like she is clearing a table.  I guess she remembers....I hope this is not one of those incidents she hangs on to.  I guess when Christmas 2011 rolls around and it is time for "the Santa picture" we will know for sure


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Daddy's Birthday

We recently celebrated my husband birthday.  He generally likes to keep it low key and always requests no gifts.  The day was a busy one starting with brunch at Gramma and Grandpa's, then a Christmas party for the Metzger cousins and then we went to Kevin and JoAnn's for a celebratory drink.  This certainly was an action packed day.

Here is a photo of the group 1 year ago...I realized that I made the same type of cake this year..opps

The previous day I spent part of the day singing happy birthday to the girls, in hope they would catch on and sing with the rest of us at cake time.  No go..in fact I think Sophia cried during the singing and was not cooperative during pictures.  Looks like Emily and MG had something going on...on the side that we were not aware of...hummm

Sophia took the cake when it came to the presents.  On our way the the final event, she started to sing...We were in shocked.  Not so much that she was singing, cause she does this alot (mostly Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) but shocked that she only heard this song a few times and was now singing it...so I had to catch this on camera-video in the car...so take a listen.

I cannot believe how fast they pick up on stuff so I've started to sing jingle bells....

The day was a good one..except for the end of the day when I got sick with fever and chills and sweats for the next 48hours...I thought I had this bug licked the other week, but it came back stronger than ever.  That is a whole other post..Sick with kids and how we cope as moms..thank goodness for my husband..is all I have to say!
