Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We are 3!

How did 3 years come and go...I will never know, but the girls were ecstatic to be 3 years old!  They have a whole list of stuff they think they can do now that they are 3, as was evident in a previous post When I am Bigger

I am excited that they are becoming very independent, but sometimes that Independence pulls at my last nerve.  Why is it that toddlers have no concept of time and decide to stand their ground when we are running late?!?


The party was a  pink princess bonanza, complete with a candy coated cake and pinata!  It was a great day to spend with family and friends, so what better way to end the day then with some fireworks.  Sophia was not a fan of the noise and Emily screamed with giggles at all the pretty colours in the sky!

We were so thrilled that the weather was great.  Happy 3rd Birthday my Princesses!  Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Girls and the Great Outdoors!

Finally I can say that I am toasting to the arrival of this warm weather – Playing outdoors! Woo Hoo!

It’s so nice to tell the kids to go outside, or have them ask to play outside, and have them actually enjoy it. This means less mess inside, hours of play outside and it all means that they are tired for bedtime.  So I would think.  9pm bedtime is becoming common Urgh - must nip that in the butt!

What really tickles me pink, is the fact that the girls can "pump." They can swing themselves on their wings - no more "mommy will you push me?"  Fia is soooo excited to show me, that I think she is going to fly off into the sky and the whole time she has the biggest "I have do it all by myself" grin. 

Emily likes to play in the sandbox, making roads and sand castles.  No matter to me, just as long as they are playing and I can watch them from my kitchen window!

I’ll toast to that!

R - xo